Thursday, February 24, 2011

The "Lion" in Your Life.....

may be an oppurtunity in disguise to become a conqueror. Remember David??? Had it not been for the "lion" he would never have become King! "When the 'lion' comes, recognize it as God's opportunity no matter how rough the exterior. The very tabernacle of God was covered with badgers' skins and goats' hair; one would not think there would be any glory there. The Shekinah of God was manifest under that kind of covering. May God open our eyes to see HIM in our trial and misfortune." C.H.P.


  1. Sometimes seeing Christ in our trials and misfortune is hard to do. But I have never experienced pain when I haven't seen Him there.

  2. An interesting post that I enjoyed reading.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
